We Made a Scarecrow to Celebrate Fall and October!

This year I really wanted to focus on starting more traditions and doing more seasonal adventures with the kiddos in the nice weather. The summer was so miserable because it was too hot to even do water activities. The heat has finally relented and we got our first set of storms and cold fronts putting us all in the fall mood. We wanted to start the month off with a fun activity at home so we made a scarecrow for our autumn garden. We used items we had at home and just had fun making a silly and spooky scarecrow.

To get started with our scarecrow we gathered a few supplies:

  1. 5-6ft Tall Pole
  2. 2-4ft Pole for Arms
  3. Old Pillowcase for the head
  4. Old Pair of Jeans
  5. Old Button Up
  6. Zip-Ties
  7. Hay or Grass for Filling
  8. Fun Accessories

To get started we attached the poles to one another in a cross formation using zipties. Allow for 1.5ft of the taller pole at the top for the head with the shorter broom placed evenly behind it. Place one zip tie diagonally across each side and tighten then until they are sturdily connected. You will then cut a hole in the pants between the legs and slide it up the pole. attache the pants to the "waist" of the pole using zipties. Ziptie the bottoms of the jeans together so you can fill them. Fill the pants to the top with hay or do like we did and harvest your own grass. Put the shirt on the "arms" of the pole and zip tie the sleeves at the bottom so you are able to fill them up. Tuck the shirt into the pants and button it up to the neck then fill it with more hay/grass.. Fill the Pillowcase with hay/grass half way and place it on top of the pole. You'll need to twist the bottom the pillow case and zip tie this to hold it in place. Once the scarecrow is filled you can add accessories or draw your own face. You can also replace the pillowcase with a spooky pumpkin, like we plan to do, once it gets closer to Halloween.

Have Fun!!!

DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer
DIY Fall Scarecrow Making at Home in October | Kenedy & San Antonio, Texas Photographer | Victoria, Texas Photographer