The Birth of Lily

I had met with Katelyn in person a few weeks before her due date. She found me on a local San Antonio Photographer's Facebook page and we had been conversing off and on for about a month. She herself a birth worker and photographer, was familiar with everything birth and typical photography practices. We had a wonderful chat, talking about our experiences with birth, our children and what her birth plan was. She would be giving birth in a hospital in North West San Antonio with support from her husband and doula while laboring naturally. Having done the same thing for my most recent baby, it felt like the perfect first birth to capture!

As her due date drew near I grew more and more excited to be able to capture these important moments for her. Late one afternoon I got a text "baby coming today! I'll update you once we get stronger signs!" Yes! Finally, this was it! I made sure all my gear was gathered, batteries charged. I waited and waited, it was around ten pm when I decided I should try to get some sleep. I set alarms for every 90 minutes and made sure my phone was on loud with high alerts for Katelyn. I went to sleep, restlessly, then finally around 2am I get the message! "It's time! We're heading to the hospital". I sleepily throw on my clothes, grab my stuff and head to my car. I put on some jams, open maps and head out. I have a 45 minute drive to the hospital from Seguin. This was something we talked about and that I heavily worried about, but luckily ended up being no problem. There was absolutely no traffic and I arrived at the hospital faster than I expected even! I went up to meet Katelyn and her husband in the maternity ward waiting area as their room was still being prepared for them. Katelyn seemed calm, slowly and steadily breathing through contractions. I was welcomed graciously and pulled out my camera to start working on settings as we talked. Katelyn was doing well, contractions were close together but she was easily working through them. Her doula, Natasha, who works with mothers in San Antonio and surrounding areas, soon joined us. I learned that not only was she a coworker but was also a family friend.

We were taken to her room not long after. Natasha, working quickly, pulled out Katelyn's salt lamp, essential oils, and music. She set everything up and made sure the room was as peaceful as possible. Katelyn's husband staying close by to help ease the contractions and set up the birthing area aided Natasha as she applied pressure to Katelyn's body. Being in a hospital setting wasn't what Katelyn has originally wanted, but was a necessity, so having Natasha to aide and advocate for her was a wonderful thing. All of the stars must have aligned because the on call doctor was a former midwife who later came to the hospital. She helped Katelyn and Natasha keep the birth as natural as possible. The used all the hospitals resources, including a bar, to help Katelyn. The set of images are edited for privacy but Katelyn was able to naturally bring her baby girl, Lily, earthside naturally.

I stuck around for a few hours after Lily's birth and captured all of her vitals, her first breastfeed, and some sweet moments with dad. It was such a beautiful, wonderful experience I can't wait to capture again.

edited for privacy